

Long Time No See...

Terribly sorry for being away from the photo-blogging sphere... I hope that there IS still somebody who is curious about visiting my blog:)

I marked December 15th on my calender as Otariya Festival (冬渡祭) that is organized by Futaarayama shrine (二荒山神社) in our town, Utsunomiya. 

Since we've featured this festival in our other blog, Budget Trouble, those who are interested in the background of this event, please take a look at  this article. And the photo of this festival taken last year is shown here.


  1. I have missed you and hope to see you back here on a regular basis. I always enjoy what you have to share. I will check the article in your other blog...this imagine certainly creates curiosity!

  2. Glad to see you back. Your world is so different of ours that it is always interesting to see what you have for us . This parade is no exception. Thanks for showing.

  3. you may be gone but you're not forgotten Yoshi. I was thinking of you just a few days back, and going to pay you a visit and here you are. I believe I called you and you answered! I hope all is well, and you're enjoying some quiet time. take good care now Yoshi. you are missed. and I love your photo of action and lights!

  4. Y.Ikedaさん
    街中を我が物顔に練り歩く一行の楽しそうな様子を 車のヘッドライトがスポットライトのように照らし出し 印象的なシーンになっていますね!

    今年 日本は未曾有の災害に見舞れ 実に多くの人がいろんな艱難辛苦に耐えてきましたね。そんな2011年もあと数週間で終わります。私達家族もてんやわんやな師走を過ごす中、健康で生きているだけで もうけもん! だと思えました。来年も まだまだ問題 山積みですが 皆さんと共に なんとか乗り越えて行きたいですね。宜しくお願い致します!

  5. Hi Yoshi! It is wonderful to hear from you again! I hope you are doing well these days... back on July 13, I made a post that made me think of you :^)

  6. Wonderful, Yoshi! I am glad that you are ok!
    My best regards from Romania!

  7. Yoshi, I am still curious about your blog! :)
    This photo is very good, I see those people really enjoyed the festival.


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