

Underground Temple

We joined a tour organized by Edogawa River Office (江戸川河川事務所) whose mission is to prevent disastrous flooding  in the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan area.

The northeastern part of Tokyo cosmopolis is notorious for inundation caused by several rivers running very slowly in a relatively flat area with almost no gradient. It used to be a swamp in the past.
The idea of preventing from inundation is, during a typhoon attack or in rainy season, to drain the overwhelming water from several rivers by pooling the excess amount of water in the underground surge tank (首都圏外郭放水路) temporarily and spit it out to the bigger river (Edo river).

Here is the official video in Japanese.

The big surge tank is called "Underground temple" in its outlook. When we were in the tank, there was a movie filming going on.

The beauty of the tour is it's free of charge and you get a postcard when departing.

Interested in the tour?

Then, click [ENGLISH: Summary of the tour].

720 kamikanasaki, Kasukabe, Saitama, 322-0111

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Not at all what I was expecting from the title of the post but certainly fascinating. Love the shots. They are both eerie and awe inspiring.

  2. 本当にエンタシスの柱を持つギリシャの神殿みたいです。こんなすごい放水路があるなんて全く知りませんでした。素晴らしいコンサートホールにも見えますね。 機会があればぜひ見てみたいです。

  3. 日本の土木技術は後進国の成長にも役立つ世界に誇れるものですね。地味な工学分野にもかかわらず、土木建造物は藝術作品のように美しくいつまでも後世に残るモニュメントになるので人気学部なのも頷けます。竹の節のようにも見える巨大柱が林立する地下倉庫を超広角レンズに納められるとまるで宇宙船のように見えて圧巻です。

  4. wooww... impressive engineering! excelent shots!
    happy new year, dear Yoshi!

  5. Yoshi....This is sososo cool I would have loved to go down under. The fisheye really captures the feel of it all. We are still struggling with the computer. I wanted to ask you what external hard drive you use. . genie


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