

My New Companion

LED backlight keyboard under the dark

During the editing of the photo for the previous entry on New Year's Day (3 AM), my computer was terminated... When the computer was restarted, the poor guy could not recognize the hard drive. I tried so hard to fix it, however, nothing really worked.

After driving Ms. T to the bus stop, I had my computer with me and took it to the computer doctor. Since I did not foresee any hope, Ms. T placed an order for me for a new computer, Apple MacBook Pro (13 inch). Until the new computer arrived, I had had to use a very old laptop I bought a decade ago. It still works fine but due to the old version of OS10, all I could do was just to browse web sites. But hey, it's still better than nothing since we don't have a TV at home! I could, at least, follow what was happening in the world:)

For these who left a comment, I sincerely apologize for my absence.


  1. a Macbook! whoa, that's serious! I hope you and your new companion enjoy many years together. happy weekend to you Yoshi.

  2. Love my MacBook. I know you will too.

  3. Hi, Yoshi,
    New PC! So cool! How exciting it is to get a cutting-edge gadget! It is quite handsome. Enjoy wonderful friendship with it. I am using Nec Valuestar Window 7which is one of my best friends now.
    Best wishes,

  4. Congratulations on your new purchase. I hope you don't have to suffer too long before you get your new computer. I spend more time on my computer than watching tv.


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