

Kintai Bridge

When I returned from the trip to Mijamija Island, I stopped by at one of the most famous (in a bizarre way) bridges in Japan. It is called Kintai bridge (or Kintaikyo bridge/錦帯橋橋) that was built in 1673.

The bridge consists of five arches made of wood. The bridge has 193.3 meter long and 5 meter width to spans across Nishiki river (錦川),  

Until Meiji restoration only Samurai and wealthy local merchants were allowed to cross the bridge. At present, fee to cross bridge costs 300 JPY (adult). The toll gate is open from 8 to 17, however, it is possible to cross bridge before/after opening hours as long as you drop entrance fee in the box located at toll gate.

Alternatively you can cross river by boat!


  1. Yoshiさん こんにちは。
    日本の山河は美しく そこにいる人々も優しく穏やかに思えて癒されます。
    橋の上で 日傘をさす人々が明るい陽射しの中 絵になりますね。

  2. Interesting bridge both to look at and in its history. I really like the perspective you have on the second photo along with the traditional boats on the third photo. the quality of the photos on all is very crisp and clear. It gives a sense of proportion too...:)

  3. 城の石垣のような橋脚と太鼓橋の構造がユニークなフォームになってますね。現代と江戸時代(?)を結ぶ歴史の架け橋、見る・撮るだけでなくぜひ歩いてみたいとこのポストが思わせてくれました。


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